Furnace Maintenance, Tune-Ups, and Tips

DG Heating and Cooling Furnace Tune-Up for a Warm Home

Furnace maintenance involves a thorough inspection and tune-up of your heating system - a vital, preventive heating service. Homeowners typically only call their HVAC service provider if something goes wrong with their heating system. However, every HVAC system requires periodic maintenance to ensure it’s working at peak efficiently. Don't wait until a problem arrises, call for a tune-up to stay ahead of the cold!

Throughout the course of heating, your furnace is subjected to wear and tear. Unmaintained furnaces result in higher energy bills, frequent demand for repairs, and less comfort for the homeowner. These operations stress the system’s components and may eventually hinder its performance, decreasing efficiency and reliability.

Furnace maintenance or furnace tune-ups involve checking, cleaning, adjusting, lubricating, and testing all the system’s essential components. Homeowners can choose to get a furnace tune-up at a selected time once every year or before the cold season begins. Annual furnace maintenance keeps the heating system running efficiently. However, if one of your family members is experiencing respiratory issues or has a compromised immune system, it’s wiser to get furnace maintenance two to three times every year.

The optimal time for furnace maintenance service is just before the cold season, due to the frequent need to run the system on a daily basis as the temperatures drop. The ideal time for the furnace maintenance service is during the fall, just before winter. This way, you’re assured that your system is ready for use during the winter.

Advantages of Undertaking Annual Furnace Maintenance

Saves Money:
Regular furnace tune-ups ensure that your heating system runs as efficiently as possible. This will in turn help save on energy bills every month, and these savings added up over time can cover the cost of regular maintenance.

Minimizes the Risk of Breaking Down:
Regular maintenance means that a professional can identify and address minor issues before they become serious. This culminates in fewer system failures and lower chances of being without heat during the winter. It also reduces the need for furnace repairs.

Maintains the System’s Warranty:
Almost all furnace warranties today indicate in their terms that the furnace must receive regular maintenance. Routine tune-ups help keep your warranty valid. It also ensures that, in case anything happens during the warranty period, you’re fully covered.

Maximizes the Furnace Lifeline:
A well-maintained furnace will serve you well, and it can last for over 10 years. This will allow you to get the most out of that investment.

What’s Involved in Furnace Maintenance

  • Checking the vent systems for any blockages or leaks
  • Inspecting the blower’s access door for a tight seal
  • Heat exchanger examination for signs of separation, cracks, or corrosion. A heat exchanger with such damages could allow dangerous carbon monoxide to escape
  • Checking and cleaning the blower and its components
  • Checking the burner for proper ignition and testing/cleaning the flame sensor for precise operation
  • Ensuring that all electrical connections of the furnace are tight and examining all wiring for signs of corrosion or rust
  • Checking the flue for any obstructions (failure to check the vent may result in bad indoor air quality. This happens when the duct has a blockage and toxic fumes, resulting from combustion, cannot escape)
  • Testing the thermostat 
  • Testing all safety controls on the unit 
  • Testing the system's startup cycle and ensuring that it’s functioning correctly
  • Checking the air filters in the furnace (a clean filter enhances the furnace's functionality, while a dirty one reduces the unit’s efficiency by constricting airflow and damaging critical internal system components)
  • Analyzing the combustion gases and comparing them with the furnace’s specifications
  • Checking the electronic ignition or the pilot and determining if it’s working correctly
  • Testing and cleaning pressure switches and condensate drain system to ensure proper heat operations

For a maintenance check and tune-up of your heating system, contact DG Heating & Cooling today!

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